Network Groups help users build and maintain narrow networks.
Admin level users can select specific profiles to join the Network Group so that they can narrow their search results when scheduling patients.
When a Network Group is selected, only the members of that group will appear in the search results, ensuring that the user keeps patients in network while filtering out provider schedules that should not be visible.
To create and maintain network groups:
- Once logged in, switch from the “Referral Portal” to the “Admin Portal” by clicking the admin portal tab.
- Click the “Network Groups” tab in the blue toolbar. This option is not available for everyone. If this option is not visible, it is not enabled for the organization. Contact blockit support to determine if it can be enabled for the organization.
- In the top right corner of the page below the blue toolbar, there is a button called “Create New Network Group.” Click there.
- A small window will popup where the name of the Network Group can be entered.
- Once finished, click "Create Group."
- After the user has created the group, the network group can be modified.
- A new page will open where organizations or individual profiles can be added by selecting the respective buttons.
- Use type-ahead to search for profiles or select names using the drop down menu.
- Update to this area: Profile types are now delineated in the drop down menu so users are able to select the appropriate profile type (group/machine/practitioner/location) and filter based on visit type, as shown below.
- Network group locations can be narrowed as well, meaning that the selected locations of the network group will only be visible to the user associated with that location for a more accurate selection of in network providers, as shown below.
- If the network group or profile needs to be removed completely, click the trash bin icon on the main Network Groups page.
- An extra feature is that Network Groups can be made visible for only Admin Level users. Via submitting a support ticket, Admin level users have the ability to hide the Network Group feature so that network groups are still exposed on the ‘Network Groups’ tab, but hidden from schedulers on the ‘Schedule a Patient’ tab.
- This allows admin level users to modify and maintain network groups as needed.