There is now an option to select a user to be an Editor or Admin.
User roles assist in defining a level of access a user possesses within the platform. This supports the ability for customizing the user experience as a scheduler, a profile editor, or an admin and removes buttons that are not needed from view.
Scheduler- A scheduler is a user who has neither Editor or Admin toggled. The scheduler can view items such as Schedule a Patient tab, view Appointments tab, and other items relevant to patient scheduling.
Editor- An editor has a certain level of access in either specified locations or all locations. Editors have the same level of access as schedulers and have the opportunity for all functionality as schedulers, but can also edit profiles, as shown below.
Scheduler and Editor Dashboard View:
Editor's Ability to Edit Profiles:
1. Verify that Editor is toggled when adding or updating the user. The user can be assigned to one or many locations (the same as a scheduler).
2. To edit profiles, to to Settings -> Edit Your Profiles.
3. Find the desired profile in the profiles listing, and click to edit Profile Info, Contact Info, and more.
Admin- An admin has all abilities as Scheduler and Editor, as well as the Admin portal, which includes the ability to manipulate the organization information. The admin also has the ability to run CSV exports for Referrals and Appointments. The Admin user has access to all locations within the organization.