There is a profile type called "Group."
Grouping profiles allows users to consolidate similar profile types into one main profile and creates a better user viewing experience upon scheduling. Instead of seeing multiple profiles and having to choose one, the profiles can be grouped together into one seamless option. Instead of displaying multiple machines, such as MRI machines, or multiple providers or locations, the patient can now view and schedule an appointment within one profile. When used, a group profile will aggregate time slots from all profiles within an organization that have the same group key as the grouping profile and show them as a single profile to the patient in consumer scheduling.
For example, if you have a profile "MRI Machine #1" with 9:00-9:30 free and "MRI Machine #2" with 10:00-10:30 free, if they are put into a grouped profile named "MRI Machines", they will show as a single profile with slots at 9:00-9:30 and 10:00-10:30.
When a slot is booked, it will be booked against the underlying profile from the perspective of the staff. For example, if the 9:00-9:30 slot was booked within Blockit, the staff will see the profile for the appointment is "MRI Machine #1" - not "MRI Machines". Additionally, patient emails will show "MRI Machine #1" as the profile, allowing practices to keep their specific per-resource instructions.
Best Practices:
- Group child profiles by location
- Group by same visit type in parent (group) profile (this can be one visit type or multiple)
- If appointment times are the same, the selected time is at random
A few notes on this profile type:
- When searching, the insurances, visit types, location, and all data within the patient scheduling portal are derived from the grouping profile, not the child profiles. The underlying profile is not resolved until after the patient books the appointment. After booking, any profile specific information will be presented to the patient (e.g. patient instructions).
- If there are overlapping time slots within the grouped profiles (i.e, MRI Machine #1 and MRI Machine #2 both have 9:00-9:30 free), the slots will be de-duplicated so the patient will only see one 9:00 slot free. When booked, the underlying profile will be chosen non-deterministically (randomly). Subsequent viewing of time slots will continue to show 9:00-9:30 free until the second slot is booked.
- The visit type is required in the "Group" profile to aggregate time slots from the child profiles that have that same visit type.
Tutorial Video:
Step by Step:
1. Select Profiles in the Admin Portal of Blockit. Select "New Profile." Input the display name for the group, as well as the desired location.
2. Input into the Group Key field inside the new Group (parent) profile that matches the desired child profiles group key, as well as any additional contact information or details.
3. Select the option "Schedule & Visit Types." You will now see all of the child profiles under the Template tab that match the Group profile's Group Key number.
4. Observe the Visit Types section on the righthand side. Click the + button next to Visit Types. Select the desired visit type from the drop-down menu that matches that of the child profiles.
5. (Optional Step) Select each of the child profiles. Choose "Consumer Settings" and deselect "Make Available for Self-Scheduling?" if desired to show only the Group (parent) profile. Verify that the Group (parent) profile is checked for Make Available for Self-Scheduling.
6. Go to "Schedule & Visit Types" within each child profile. Note under the Templates tab the schedule availability. Verify the time slots are correct within each profile. In the example image below, you will see that the child profile (CT Scan with Contrast) at McKinney Health Center has availability on Tuesdays from 1:00 p.m until 6:00 p.m. with 30 minute time slots.
The Group profile is now complete and ready for consumer scheduling.
7. When on the scheduling screen as shown below, select an appointment time. Once the appointment time is selected, note that the group automatically assigns the correct child profile according to the schedule availability. Note: If there are overlapping time slots within the grouped profiles, the slots will be de-duplicated so the patient will only see one slot free. When booked, the underlying profile will be chosen randomly.
8. Once patient demographic information is entered, the appointment request/confirmation screen will also show the child profile that was assigned to the appointment. See the below images for before patient scheduling and after patient scheduling.