1. Once you’re on the Blockit homepage, switch to the admin portal and then click on the “Availability” tab. You will then be redirected to a screen with a daily calendar organized in 30 minute time periods from 12:00am to 11:30pm.
2. To adjust a physician’s availability, click the dropdown menu near the top of the screen and select which provider’s schedule you would like to adjust. Once you have made a selection, click on the green “New Availability” button.
3. Users have two choices for setting availability: block availability for entire days or choose individual appointment slots. You can select a "slot duration" from the dropdown menu in the upper right-hand corner.
4. Once you enter your availability, your schedule will not change unless you adjust it. To select days when you will be out of the office, click the plus mark on the “Out of Office” section and select when you will be unavailable.